Migraines – Cause and Treatment

The word “Migraine” is used fairly loosely when describing a severe headache, however there are differences between headache (which can be severe) and migraine. The word “headache” is a description of pain in the head, which can be caused by many different things, usually innocuous. Headache does not indicate the cause of the pain and thus, is not a diagnosis in and of itself. Not all severe headaches are a migraine, and not all migraines cause severe headache!

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Rib Sprains

Rib sprains, as mild as they may sound, can actually be quite painful and disconcerting, and usually present as a sharp, localised pain on one side of the spine that is worse with movement and can also sometimes aggravated by deep breathing, coughing or sneezing.

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Hip pain – diagnosis and management

At Chadstone Region Osteo, we commonly see patients complaining of pain around their hip region. Our hip joints are the biggest joint in our body, and carry a significant portion of our body weight. They are required for most of the movement that humans need to do (walking, bending, lifting, toileting etc). The joint itself (the bone and cartilage) is commonly a source of pain, however there are other tissues in the area which can also become irritated or injured, such as ligaments, tendons, labrum and bursae.

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